Re: smp in 5.1

From: Garance A Drosihn <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 19:06:11 -0400
At 6:16 PM -0400 8/11/03, Eriq Lamar wrote:
>Is there any advantage in 5.1 over 4.8 for two amd mp's. and
>if so could someone tell what they are. I am interested in
>building dual system using mp's but not sure which version
>would be better.

I run 5.x on a dual-Althon 2000 machine.  I have no idea if
that gives me much of a benefit as far as *smp* is concerned,
but it certainly works fine.  And there are other aspects to
5.x which are very attractive to me, such as no more MAKEDEV,
and the inclusion of filesystem-snapshots.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =
Senior Systems Programmer           or
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or
Received on Mon Aug 11 2003 - 14:06:15 UTC

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