Re: ULE Interactivity perf patch

From: Peter Schultz <>
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 10:54:27 -0600
Jeff Roberson wrote:
> I realized a pitfal in the way that I'm doing slice assignment for
> interactive tasks.  I'd like to have as many people test this as possible,
> in case there are unintended consequences.  What this patch does is allow
> interactive tasks to have longer time-slices so that they may be more
> efficient.
> This patch is intended to fix the poor performance of some interactive
> processes while under high load, especially high load with other
> interactive tasks present.
On this dual PII 350 box `make -j 11 buildworld', playing an mp3 with 
xmms and unarchiving two separate mozilla distros can cause quite an 
interactivity problem.  At a more moderate system load things are quite 
usable.  It's still not BeOS, but BeOS never had the kind of i/o that 
FreeBSD has, so I think things are going fairly well.

Received on Fri Dec 19 2003 - 07:54:41 UTC

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