Re: Radeon DRM-Problem

From: Ralf Folkerts <>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 20:37:47 +0100 (MET)
Hi John,

> Actually, try adding an 'AGPSize' option in the 'Device' section with a
> set to the size of your aperture.  I Think X uses a 1mb aperture by
> and it may be that it is failing to allocate some buffers due to your
> resolution combined with the small default size of the aperture.
> Adding 'AGPMode 4' probably couldn't hurt as well.

I just tried that (added both AGPSize and AGPMode) . However, I still
get the same error :-(

agp0: binding memory at bad offset 0
error: [drm:pid658:radeon_cp_init] *ERROR* radeon_cp_init called without
lock held
error: [drm:pid658:radeon_unlock] *ERROR* Process 658 using kernel context 0

I also attached the XFree86.0.log...

Do you have any more hints? If not I'd just wait a bit and see if this

Received on Tue Nov 11 2003 - 10:37:51 UTC

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