Re: Panic with ugen

From: Daan Vreeken [PA4DAN] <>
Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2003 17:30:59 +0100
On Thursday 27 November 2003 15:33, Jay Cornwall wrote:
> Daan Vreeken [PA4DAN] wrote:
> > If you have time left, could you perhaps also have a look at kern/51186?
> > I have filed it back in March and it's still open. (Fixes a memory
> > corruption bug in ugen).
> I'm not a committer, I'm afraid, so it's probably best to get in touch with
> the code maintainer. (, if the PR is correct - he did reply
> at the bottom of the PR)
> But from a brief look at the code, I can't see anything getting past this
> line: if(sce->fill < sce->cur && sce->cur <= sce->fill + count)
> If sce->fill is less than sce->cur, then sce->cur can only be <= (sce->fill
> + count) if count is negative. But I haven't studied the code that closely,
> so maybe I'm just missing something obvious. :)
It can. Imagine a buffer of 1000 bytes.
sce->fill=980 and sce->cur=990.
If we have to store 40 bytes, sce->fill (980) is smaller than sce->cur (990).
And sce->cur (990) is smaller or equal to sce->fill + count (980+40=1020).

After that count gets added to sce->cur ( sce->cur=990+40=1030).
Now sce->cur is bigger than sce->limit so this line of code get execute :
sce->cur = sce->ibuf + (sce->limit - sce->cur);
Leading to :
sce->cur = sce->ibuf + ( 1000 - 1030 ) =
  beginning-of-buffer - 30 !
In stead of :
sce->cur = sce->ibuf + ( 1030 - 1000 ) =
   beginning-of-buffer + 30

Received on Thu Nov 27 2003 - 07:30:30 UTC

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