Re: -current troubles on Dell Latitude C600

From: Matt <>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 22:26:35 +0100
Olev wrote:
> Tried JSNAP's 20030917 build, still the same: with softupdates on I get 
> a panic when extreacting base, with softupdates off everything is OK. 
> Any ideas?
> Olev
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I can confirm I get the same on an old laptop I was trying. I just 
installed it with softupdates switched off and assumed it was my laptop 
being a bitch as it's traditionally done weird things in the past.

I happened to take a photo of the screen at the time, though 
unfortunatly I didn't take a photo of a backtrace :)

I can't help any further with debugging though because as I mentioned I 
just installed it without softupdates and it's working fine now.

Received on Wed Sep 17 2003 - 12:26:38 UTC

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