Re: Can't *write* to a hard disk, problem related to GEOM(4)?

From: Julien Gabel <>
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 21:52:38 +0200 (CEST)
>>/dev/ad10 was previously part of a hardware miror (ar(4) device with a
>>HighPoint HPT374 (channel 2+3) UDMA133 controller), but since it was
>>broken for an unknown reason, thid drive is no more usable, even alone.
>>For example, I am not be able to create a new slice on it.

> Could you try to compile a kernel without the ar(4) driver in it ?
> It may still be latching on to this disk...

Not really. On this machine I had 4 drives:
 - ar0 (formed with ad4 & ad6) for the system;
 - previously ar1 (formed with ad8 & ad10) for the data/home directories.

Now, the data are simply mounted on ad8, but the first mirror still

If I try to break volontarily the first miror not to use the ar(4) driver,
is it possible to reuse it later in order to be able to rebuild the mirors
in the futur?

Received on Thu Apr 15 2004 - 10:52:44 UTC

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