Re: strange NAT behaviour

From: Ulrich Spoerlein <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 22:02:50 +0200
On Thu, 01.07.2004 at 16:32:50 +0200, Divacky Roman wrote:
> I have booted -O universe and it works... so there is definitely some
> optimalization error - is it worth it to catch the bug? I'd say YES!
> (isnt here even plan for officially supporting -O2?)

libalias(3) is b0rken for optimizations higher than -O2. IIRC it's
because of aliasing-stuff.

You can't read it up in the archives, there even were patches that tried
to correct the aliasing-stuff in libalias. Looks like they never got

Try switching to ipnat or ppp -nat and see if that works.

Ulrich Spoerlein
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Received on Thu Jul 01 2004 - 18:03:31 UTC

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