Re: RFC: Alternate patch to have true new-style rc.d ports scripts(without touching localpkg)

From: Alex Kapranoff <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 17:19:49 +0400
* Oliver Eikemeier <> [July 29 2004, 12:39]:
> I'm not sure if we should filter out *all* scripts with extensions. 
> There might be a port we like to add, perhaps just a list of 
> values like `.old', `.sample' e.t.c. should be filtered out. OTOH this 
> is easily changeable, should the need arise.

  And port can easily be started with startup_app script,
This is a non-issue, I think.

> which will install `apache' or `' depending on OSVERSION. A 
> variable RC_SUFX is set that could be used in pkg-message or other 
> places when necessary.

  The need for two versions of startup scripts for each port is highly
undesirable. There should be some shims for 4.x systems, I suppose,
for them to be able to execute extensionless rc.d scripts in simple
lexicographic order (and missing all the rcorder benefits).

> Sourcing port scripts is not possible with this patch, which is a good 
> thing IMHO. Also some documentation needs to added to rc(8) before this 
> patch can go in.

  I like the patch and would like it to go into the tree instead of
Mike Makonnen's solution. Sourcing 3rd party (ports) scripts into the shell
which performs global system startup procedures worries me.

Alex Kapranoff.
Received on Thu Jul 29 2004 - 11:21:49 UTC

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