Re: HEADSUP: Filesystem rototiling over

From: Jeremie Le Hen <>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2004 22:00:23 +0100
> > Why not use the -F option of mount(8)/umount(8)?
> Mostly because I was not aware about it :-).  But anyway it is not
> usable with my configuration because :
> 	 * I do not run my jails by executing `/etc/rc'.
> 	 * There is a chicken and egg problem here since /sbin/
> 	   (where mount(8) stands) would have to be manually
> 	   sync'ed with the host, and I don't want that (I just
> 	   want to `make DESTDIR=/jail/named distribtion' the
> 	   first time, and then reduce as tight as possible the
> 	   administrative overhead caused by jails).

Ok, a friend of mine pointed me out that I misunderstood what you said.
It is indeed possible to use the -F option of mount(8)/umount(8) from
the host system : let's say we have a jail called "named".  We can
have a rc.conf(5) variable called "jail_named_fstab" which will
define the fstab(5) file to use for this particular jail.

The following patch nullifies the previous one, since it does not
require to add the -c option to mount(8)/umount(8).
It adds two variables to default/rc.conf :


When the first one is made true, then rc.d/jail will mount (resp.
umount) the filesystems described in the file pointed by the second
one when the jail will be started (resp. stopped).  If the second one
is left empty, then it will default to "/etc/fstab.${jail}".

(Note that I didn't have time to test it on my own system, but the
patch itself is pretty simple and should work immediately.)


PS:  Once the patch has been successfuly tested by either me or someone
else, should I send a PR ?
Jeremie LE HEN aka TtZ/TataZ            
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!
Received on Tue Nov 02 2004 - 20:00:09 UTC

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