Re: Weirdness in RELENG_5 on amd64

From: Willem Jan Withagen <>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 11:58:36 +0200
Eirik Oeverby wrote:

> Hi,
> my dual Opteron server is experiencing strange problems; the same I've
> been seeing since I installed it back in May. After a bit of uptime
> (varies between 1-2 days and a month or two, depending on the kernel
> release I am running) it will start acting up (if I'm lucky) or simply
> panic. I have no panic message dump, since the box is very far away and
> last time it paniced I had no serial console.

Sounds a little like the trouble I had with my dual opteron system when I was 
still running it on an MSI board. The main problem here seems to be the VIA 

You are not running this hardware, are you? Otherwise strongly I suggest 
changing it. I swapped it for Tyan Tiger, and no more of these problems since.

Received on Thu Oct 21 2004 - 07:58:39 UTC

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