Re: mysql super-smack test on FreeBSD 5.3-RC1 amd64

From: Scott Long <>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 10:19:11 -0600
Matt Hamilton wrote:
>>Did you turned of HTT?
>>try to set "sysctl machdep.hlt_logical_cpus=1" and test again.
>>did you compile with linuxthreads or pthreads?
> You can't (according to the ports) compile LinuxThreads on non-i386
> platforms.
> I am still trying to find out why python 2.3.4 will not compile and run
> its test suite on FreeBSD 5/AMD64.  It runs for on i386, but not on AMD64,
> it just core dumps when doing anything stack-heavy when compiled with
> threading.  The fact it works with i386 and not AMD64 leads me to believe
> it is a problem with FreeBSD, not python (works fine on -stable on i386
> too).
> The normal tricks on increasing the stack size for pthreads doesn't seem
> to help at all.  I've tried linking against -libpthread, -libkse and
> -libthr and all get the same results.  I've not tried it with -RC1 yet,
> the latest was -B7.

libpthread and libkse are the same.  Can you try linking to libc_r

Received on Fri Oct 22 2004 - 14:20:56 UTC

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