Re: FreeBSD 5.3b7and poor ata performance

From: Charles Swiger <>
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 12:02:54 -0400
On Oct 26, 2004, at 11:48 AM, fandino wrote:
> Charles Swiger wrote:
>> Disagree.  Why else would you use RAID-0 striping?
> speed?

Certainly, we are in agreement that the main purpose of RAID-0 is to 
improve performance.

>> [ If you simply want to create a logical volume bigger than the size 
>> of a physical drive, you can use concatenation instead. ]
> because it doesn't split the load over disks and you get busy disks
> and idle disks.

Also true, which is why concatenations aren't commonly used, whereas 
striping is.

[ The reason why I mentioned it at all is because creating a larger 
logical volume than what can fit on a physical drive is a common 
secondary purpose for RAID-0 modes.  For some people, it might even be 
a primary purpose. ]

Received on Tue Oct 26 2004 - 14:03:00 UTC

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