VERSION: 5.3-BETA5 - PROBLEM SET: GRE non auto-creation on bootup

From: David D.W. Downey <>
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 13:20:46 -0400
Afternoon all,

ok.. this is curious. didn't notice this til i moved my machines
around as i had to shut them                 off. 5.3BETA5 does *not*
make my gre0 on reboot. Configuration is the same as it was under
BETA4 but now it no longer autocreates the gre with the entries in
/etc/rc.conf. I can *manually* create the gre once the boot process is
complete, it just refuses to do it on bootup.

Nothing has changed other than a shutdown, move to a different
location 5 feet away, and a restart. (Even that CAT5 was never

The main interface comes back up fine. Kernel was properly recompiled
with 'options gre'.

The /etc/rc.conf is still the same, everything works correctly, no
changes to the file whatsoever, verified no accidently missing quotes
or anything. It just positively refuses to create it.

David D.W. Downey
Received on Mon Sep 20 2004 - 15:20:52 UTC

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