Re: The case for FreeBSD

From: Peter Schultz <>
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2005 12:12:35 -0600

> We should do a better PR job


When I saw how much money the FreeBSD foundation has, I just about fell 
out of my chair.  Word of mouth works great, I'm always talking about 
FreeBSD like I'm sure many here do, but it just is not enough.  I'm no 
advertising guru so I don't know which angle would be most beneficial, 
but I'd say a basic introduction about the significance of BSD would go 
a long way towards attracting both users and developers.  The thing 
about FreeBSD is that once an administrator has set it up, there's no 
need for anyone to think about it.  If something goes wrong, more than 
likely there's hardware trouble, and once that's fixed BSD holds it all 
together again.

Since it's superbowl sunday, take Joe Montana for instance.  If he 
would have just played football for fun, he still would have been the 
same person with the strength and mind of a superstar, but nobody 
outside of his circle would know anything about him.  However, since he 
was willing to put himself out there, even people who've never touched 
a football know who he is.

Certainly I'm making this sound way too simplistic, but I think a well 
organized ad campaign would put FreeBSD out in the spotlight, and at 
the very least make an interesting and challenging project.

Received on Sun Feb 06 2005 - 17:12:37 UTC

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