Re: UFS/FFS/softupdates/snapshots: the view from 10m above

From: <>
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 13:35:49 +1100

I've just started looking at how to use Doxygen to do this sort of
thing.  Doxygen depends on graphviz (i.e. dot) to draw the graphs and
will not only do call graphs but also structural relations in C and
C++.  I have not had enough time this week, because I'm teaching, to
play with those features of Doxygen.  My impression is that an
interactive tool that depended on cflow and dot could be quite useful
as well.

I'll report more as I learn it as I want to apply Doxygen and
cflow/dot to our code as well as to others.

Received on Wed Feb 09 2005 - 01:35:59 UTC

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