Re: Cannot install kernel as user

From: Jeremie Le Hen <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 01:41:45 +0100
> Well, firstly I wanted to introduced the NO_INSTALLCHOWN variable as I
> said in my previous mail, preventing install(8) from doing a chown(2)
> on the installed file (kernel or module).  But I finally decided to
> use a variable named INSTALLCHOWN which will contain "-o user -g group".
> This is more flexible and reduces the patch to its simplest form.

Sorry I'm quite tired, I realize I didn't give a good explanation.
INSTALLCHOWN will default to
	o "-o root -g wheel" when installing kernel,
	o "-o ${KMODOWN} -g {KMODGRP}" when installing module.

It can be overrided to whatever you want and in particular, it may
be set to nothing when you want to install as user (no chown(2)

Jeremie Le Hen
Received on Fri Jan 21 2005 - 23:41:56 UTC

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