Recent fragility with if_wi, 802.11 adhoc/wep, and Tiger

From: Robert Watson <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2005 09:55:03 +0100 (BST)
I fairly regularly use 802.11 adhoc with WEP to communicate between my 
6.x/7.x FreeBSD notebook using if_wi, and my Apple PowerBook running Mac 
OS X Tiger.  A few days ago, when I updated from a June to a July HEAD 
revision, this became quite "fragile".  Specifically, I often find that 
the Mac can't send to the FreeBSD box (ARP fails, etc), and that sometimes 
it will give an error when I ask it to re-connect to the ad hoc network. 
I find that if I ifconfig down/up if_wi, and likewise turn off and on the 
wireless on the PowerBook, it seems to recover.  I've not had a chance to 
really try and diagnose this at all -- i.e., does tcpdump show packets on 
either end, 802.11 state machine, etc.  I was wondering if anyone else has 
seen this problem, though.

Robert N M Watson
Received on Tue Jul 19 2005 - 06:54:56 UTC

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