Re: hostap recently broken

From: Sam Leffler <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 09:29:26 -0700
Michal Mertl wrote:
> Sam Leffler wrote:
>>Michal Mertl wrote:
>>>I've just found out that something very recently broke hostap on FreeBSD
>>>CURRENT. The client associates and gets the MAC address of the AP. When
>>>I run tcpdump on the AP I see the pings from the client getting in but
>>>the AP doesn't reply. The ARP protocol works but nothing else does.
>>>Source checked on 2005-07-22 16:00 UTC works fine.
>>>The AP card is atheros but just reverting the last changes to the driver
>>>doesn't help.
>>I just tried with CURRENT (from last night).  5212 card setup with TKIP 
>>for PTK and GTK.  ap operating in 11g.  Powerbook running Tiger 
>>associated and operated fine.  29Mb/s for upstream tcp netperf (sta and 
>>ap in close proximity--rssi 41).
>>I appreciate you testing stuff but please try to diagnose your problems 
>>a bit harder and then provide more useful info like the h/w revs and the 
>>exact steps you use to setup a non-working system.
> Sorry, I had the exact same HW setup as before which I described in my
> email about the problem with bridging. 
> I've got several Atheros 5212 cards (mac 5.9 phy 4.3 radio 3.6) and also
> IPW notebook all running CURRENT, the notebook and the client several
> days old (from before 2005-07-22 16:00 UTC).
> The most basic setup - 'ifconfig ath0 mediaopt hostap ssid
> aaa' on the AP and 'ifconfig ath0 ssid aaa' worked like a
> charm before the date and not after. With the newer kernel on the AP the
> cards associate and as I've just found I can communicate between the
> stations on the AP. Ping to the AP doesn't work even when I get the MAC
> address of the AP via ARP. Adhoc connection works.

I am unclear still on what happens.  I believe you are saying:


from the station to the ap fails.  If so what does 80211stats show on 
the ap when this happens (do releveant error stats go up)?  If you do

80211debug +input

on the ap do you get any log msgs about discarded frames?

You also seem to say the sta resolves the ip w/ arp.  Is the same true 
for the ap (i.e. that it resolves the ip address of the sta)?  I'm 
assuming you are NOT running firewall rules do not have crypto setup and 
have not fiddled with parameters like apbridge (you didn't provide 
ifconfig output for each side).

I rarely test direct communication between sta+ap; usually I bridge to a 
wired net and communicate with stations on the wired net (it's always 
what I'm doing when I report netperf numbers).  Does bridged 
communication to a sta on another network work?

Received on Tue Jul 26 2005 - 14:34:05 UTC

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