Re: Problem remains with FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE as seen in RELENG_5

From: Robert Watson <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 15:54:26 +0000 (GMT)
On Wed, 9 Nov 2005, Robert Watson wrote:

>> I have now had another live-lock after upgrading:
>> Any other suggestions or pointers on how to identify this livelock?
> This looks like much the same issue in the UNIX domain sockets.  I have 
> been looking at executing unp_gc in a deferred context, and have an 
> initial patch which I need to test some before I send to you. 
> Hopefully it will be ready for you to try out in a day or two.

Last night I successfully sent this patch to the wrong person, as I'm 
chasing a number of different bugs currently.  While it won't help with 
his quota-related problems, using a combination of patches (attached) I'm 
now able to run a set of file descriptor passing edge case regression 
tests successfully.  I've committed the regression test to 
src/tools/regression/sockets/unix_passfd.  This test should only be run 
once the patches are applied, needless to say.

If you could try out the patches and let me know if things improve, that 
would be great.


Robert N M Watson
Received on Thu Nov 10 2005 - 14:54:28 UTC

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