Re: OvisLink Wireless

From: Daniel O'Connor <>
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 11:04:47 +0930
On Saturday 03 September 2005 08:34, Jayton Garnett wrote:
> Could anyone tell me if there are plans to introduce the OvisLink
> Wireless network cards into FreeBSD?
> The one I have uses a Texas Instruments chipset.
> I have done a search on 5.4R but this card is not supported, only two
> other OvisLink Cards are supported.
> If you require any technical information about the card I would be more
> than willing to dig up some info if it
> means the driver will make it into ANY future release of FreeBSD.

I don't believe Ti release enough information on their chipsets to allow 
people to write drivers - certainly the only way I am aware of to use stuff 
based on their chips is via ndis (which mostly works)

I recommend you dig up an Atheros based card since it will almost certainly be 
supported now or in the very near future, and it supports a company that 
supplies drivers for FreeBSD/Linux/etc not just Windows.


> Also... would anyone know why my Linksys Router's wireless interface
> keeps going down? The
> cat5 cable interface still works fine, and I just have too reboot the
> router.

Broken firmware?

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software -
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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