Re: RFC: separate 3dfx_linux module

From: Coleman Kane <>
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 15:11:02 -0500
I have unfortunately lost all of my voodoo hardware.

On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 09:17:24AM -0700, Scott Long wrote:
> Yar Tikhiy wrote:
> >Hi there,
> >
> >In the course of reviewing and cleaning up the default configuration
> >of kernel options, it was suggested by the Release Engineers that
> >we had a separate module for TDFX_LINUX instead of placing the
> >burden on the device tdfx and module 3dfx.  Could anybody interested
> >test this change?  I've made sure it builds, but I have no 3dfx hw
> >to really test it.  The testing is as simple as building the new
> >3dfx and 3dfx_linux modules, loading them, and verifying that the
> >linux apps work with the device as before.  Thanks in advance!
> >

Sounds goo to me. I am all for further modularization of the codebase.

> Why keep the TDFX_LINUX option defined in sys/conf/options?

Sounds good to me. In the event that you want to build this statically
into the kernel, doesn't the option still need to be available,
or are we talking about a device tdfxlinux ?

> Scott
Received on Sat Feb 25 2006 - 19:08:57 UTC

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