Re: Radeon 9550 + R300 DRM + Xorg 6.9 = freeze

From: Adam McDougall <>
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2006 23:40:17 -0500
On Sat, Jan 21, 2006 at 11:25:46PM -0500, Nicolas Blais wrote:

  Not my lucky day :)
  After upgrading my Xorg port to 6.9.0, my -CURRENT freezes at launch of kdm. 
  Anyone using a R300 powered card (Radeon 9550/9600) with DRM+Xorg 6.9.0 out 

I have the same problem but I use gnome, and X seems to freeze partway
through starting X but before any apps show up in my start order.  
I have a Dell Latitude D810 with an X600 ati.  I actually noticed this
when I upgraded to xorg-server-6.9rc3 from the snap port.  Disabling
dri let X start for me and I did not investigate further since I never
got dri to work before that anyway.  I did not investigate as far as 
Nicolas.  I did notice I could hit the power button and the HD led would
flash some but not shut down, so I had to hard poweroff the laptop. 
Received on Sun Jan 22 2006 - 03:40:12 UTC

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