Re: Process for requesting reverting patch?

From: Peter Jeremy <>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 19:55:55 +1000
On 2007-May-13 16:10:36 -0500, Mark Linimon <> wrote:
>We really need to redefine what 'critical' is, since that field is so
>often overused as to be meaningless.  That may be on of the topics I try
>to address at BSDCan when talking about PR workflow.

There are two difficulties here:
1) What is "critical" to me may seem totally unimportant to you.
2) I might just make everything "critical" to make someone look at it

(I have lots of developers at work who believe in the latter approach).

The approach we used at work was to avoid the "critical/high/medium/low"
categories and categorise based on impact instead - which removed much
of the subjectivity.

Peter Jeremy

Received on Mon May 14 2007 - 07:55:57 UTC

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