Re: HEADSUP: 802.11 vap support merged

From: Randy Bush <>
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 22:11:38 +0900
soekris 5501, current maybe eight hours old.  new kernel world two days old.

/etc/rc.d/ppp does not come up unless i add ldconfig to its RELY.  this
is an old (lime months) nstory, i am just trying to be complete.

ifconfig_bridge0=" addm vr1 addm vr2 addm vr3 addm wlan0 up"
ifconfig_wlan0="channel 11 ssid rgnet-aden wep wepkey thirteenchars
weptxkey 1 mediaopt hostap up"

stumbler on a macbook sees no ap

0 mtu 2290
        ether 00:0b:6b:83:59:25
        media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect mode 11g
        status: associated ifconfig wlan0
metric 0 mtu 1500
        ether 00:0b:6b:83:59:25
        media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect (autoselect)
        status: no carrier
        ssid rgnet-aden channel 11 (2462 Mhz 11g)
        country US ecm authmode OPEN privacy ON deftxkey 1 wepkey 1:104-bit
        txpower 19 bmiss 7 scanvalid 60 bgscan bgscanintvl 300
bgscanidle 250
        roam:rssi 7 roam:rate 5 protmode CTS wme burst ff dturbo bintval 0

# athstats
62670    data frames received
30306    data frames transmit
0M       current transmit rate
30306    tx frames with no ack marked
14329    rx failed 'cuz of bad CRC
4527     rx failed 'cuz frame too short
1652     rx failed 'cuz of PHY err
    44       transmit override receive
    1608     CCK restart
3        rssi of last ack
1        switched default/rx antenna
Antenna profile:
[1] tx    30306 rx    62670

clue bat, please.

Received on Wed Apr 23 2008 - 11:11:40 UTC

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