Re: gmirror provider name limit [Was: Re: geom_label: gpt/labelname for gmirror provider?]

From: Harald Schmalzbauer <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 22:05:51 +0200
Ivan Voras schrieb am 28.07.2009 21:55 (localtime):
>>> sys/geom/stripe/g_stripe.h:91:  char            md_provider[16]; /*
>>> Hardcoded provider. */
>> Are there any problems to expect when extending the array size?
> If you mean the char array of the provider name then yes, it cannot be
> done without introducing a new metadata version (and then if it fits).

Oic, thanks for the hint. I forogt about the metadata... *slap*

>> To make use og gptid it had to be 43.
> I don't follow you on this - why gptid and why 43?

The automatically generated gptid is 36 cahracters plus "gptid/" to use 
that for a provider name. In my case I'd like to assign the following 
label: fbsd8GUNE-root_RAID1prov.1of2
It's 30 characters, so I thought using the gptid length was a feasible 



Received on Tue Jul 28 2009 - 18:05:54 UTC

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