Re: unable to boot ZFS with gptzfsboot from an exported zpool

From: Philipp Wuensche <>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2009 19:51:01 +0100
Philipp Wuensche wrote:
> Hi,
> is anyone else having problems booting from exported zpools when using
> gptzfsboot?
> I have a script creating a GPT partition on a single fresh disk setting
> up zfs booting etc.
> If I export the zpool after the script is done with the setup and try to
> boot the disk, zfsboot tells me "No ZFS pools located, can't boot". If I
> just plug out the disk, e.g. USB, or shutdown the system without
> exporting the zpool on the new disk first, it finds the zpool and boots.
> My guess is a bug in sys/boot/i386/zfsboot/zfsboot.c somewhere in
> probe_drive(), not sure if its in the GPT part or somewhere else.

Using gpart list to show the GPT settings on the device, one setting
changes from exported to imported zpool, "Mode" changes from r0w0e0 to
r1w1e1. Any clues on that?

Received on Thu Mar 26 2009 - 17:51:03 UTC

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