Re: Final call for testers: TERM=xterm

From: Anonymous <>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 00:24:36 +0300
Mel Flynn <> writes:

> Hi Ed,
> On Wednesday 11 November 2009 11:12:07 Ed Schouten wrote:
>> - Better compatibility with other operating systems.
> I'm not in a position to test this at the moment, but does this mean our 
> console will now also "fold" paging/editor applications?
> I hate this feature with a passion on linux and I've unable to find out how to 
> disable it, especially since the few linux machines I manage have no termcap 
> or terminfo database on the places they say they should be.
> What I mean with folding is:
> root_at_www:~# man less
> Reformatting less(1), please wait...
> root_at_www:~# 
> As you can see, no more less(1) manpage (it's not limited to less, vim etc as 
> well). When I change to vt100 terminal, this doesn't occur, hence my worry 
> about the above sentence in combination with $subject. IF this is going to be 
> the default, I would appreciate an rc.conf setting or at least an explanation 
> of what triggers this behavior and how to turn it off in the manpage, as 
> various quests in google have yielded neither information nor solution.

I think for termcap(5) you can disable it by

    $ export TERMCAP="${TERM}:ti_at_:te_at_:tc=${TERM}:"
Received on Wed Nov 11 2009 - 20:24:40 UTC

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