Re: ZFS: statfs and recordsize problem

From: John Baldwin <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 09:31:56 -0500
On Thursday 18 February 2010 7:39:28 am Alexander Zagrebin wrote:
> I have noticed, that statfs called for ZFS file systems,
> returns the value of FS's recordsize property in both f_bsize and
> f_iosize.
> It's a problem for some software.
> For example, squid uses block size of cache's file system to calculate
> the space occupied by file.
> So by default it considers that any small file uses 128KB of a cache
> (when default value of recordsize is used), though really this file
> may use 512B only.
> This miscalculation leads to unreasonable cleaning of a cache.
> IMHO the behavior of statfs have to be changed, as ZFS uses variable
> (up to recordsize) block sizes.
> It must return 512 as f_bsize and recordsize as f_iosize.
> One of possible solutions is the attached patch.
> Could somebody look it?

If you don't get a reply, submit it as a PR so it doesn't get lost.

John Baldwin
Received on Thu Feb 18 2010 - 13:48:39 UTC

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