Wireless TCP aborts

From: Tim Kientzle <kientzle_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2010 14:16:36 -0800
Using ssh and rsync to copy a lot of stuff from my
old desktop to my new laptop.  The old desktop is using
a wired connection to an (admittedly crappy) D-Link router,
the new one is using an Atheros wireless connection to the
same router.  I periodically see the transfer fail with
the following messages on the wireless side:

   Corrupted MAC on input.
   Disconnecting: Packet corrupt
   rsync: connection unexpectedly closed ... [receiver]

and then the rsync session is dead.

It seems odd that a single corrupt packet would terminate
the TCP connection.

uname: FreeBSD 9.0-CURRENT r201154M: Tue Dec 29 09:27:29 PST 2009
Received on Sun Mar 07 2010 - 21:15:25 UTC

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