Re: RFC: Project geom-events

From: Daniel Kalchev <>
Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2011 23:13:54 +0300
On 07.10.11 22:44, Lev Serebryakov wrote:
> Hello, Perryh.
> You wrote 7 октября 2011 г., 18:06:38:
>>>    GPT (and MBR) metadata placement is dictated from outside world,
>>> where is no GEOM and geom_label. They INTENDED to be used on DISKS.
>>> BIOSes should be able to find it :)
>> Certainly GPT and MBR must place an instance of the partition table
>> where the BIOS expects it, but there's no immediately obvious reason
>> why they must regard that instance as their GEOM metadata.  GPT puts
>> a second copy in the provider's last block, and AFAICT it could just
>> as well use _that_ instance -- or even a differently-formatted block
>> that included the same data -- as the primary.  MBR could do likewise.
>    I have deja-vu, that I answered this. Please, read standard. GPT
>   _must_ be placed twice -- at first and last sectors (really, more
>   than one sectors). By standard. Secondary copy must be at end of
>   disk. Period.

Then, "by standard" GPT cannot coexist with GLABEL. Such setup should be 
disallowed, or at least big nasty message that you have just shoot 
yourself in the leg should be output. (period)

Received on Fri Oct 07 2011 - 18:15:19 UTC

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