Re: devel/gobject-introspection failure on ARM

From: Tim Kientzle <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 09:40:38 -0800
On Jan 27, 2013, at 7:57 AM, George Mitchell wrote:

> System: Raspberry Pi
> uname: r245840M (Alie Tan's image from 25 January)
> ports: svnversion 308518
> Build dies with message "sizeof(ArrayTypeBlob) is expected to be 8 but
> is 12."  (Complete build log attached.)  I made a naive attempt to fix
> it by rearranging the order of the structure members, but obviously I
> don't understand structure packing on the ARM and it didn't help.

The easiest way to hack around this is usually to
sprinkle "packed" decorators on a lot of structure

>  It also didn't get rid of the huge number of "cast increases required
> alignment of target type" warnings.

How troublesome these are depends on the processor.
I think the ARMv6 on the RaspberryPi is late enough to
support misaligned accesses.  It's a big performance hit
but better than crashing.

> I note we're at version 0.10.8 of this package, but upstream is at
> 1.34.2.  (It requires glib 2.34.1, though, and we're only at 2.28.8).
> What's the best way to proceed?  

Given the version numbers you quote, I expect that
a newer glib would be a good start.

Good luck,

Received on Sun Jan 27 2013 - 16:40:43 UTC

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