Re: not found, needed (?) for X server

From: Thomas Mueller <>
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2016 13:02:56 +0000
> > root_at_amelia:~ # pkg info -f xserver
> > Shared object "" not found, required by "pkg"

> > What happened here?  Bug in new FreeBSD?

> This is explained by the UPDATING entry of October 2015:

> 20151030:
>         The OpenSSL has been upgraded to 1.0.2d.  Any binaries requiring
> or must be recompiled.

> -Dimitry

I found this but not on the first attempt.

Why the #$%^&* couldn't the message have said how to find which binaries require a certain shared library?  It's not obvious!

pkg shows only those shared libraries that come from added packages but not from base OS.

I notice on this list there was a possible plan to make the whole base OS into a package, maybe for FreeBSD 12?

Now I could follow the example given under "man ldd".

I have updated many of the old ports but have many more to go, don't want to rebuild those already done.

I can't find any options/flags in pkg or portmaster to show those ports/packages installed after or before a specified date.  I believe portupgrade had such a facility.

Received on Sat Jan 23 2016 - 12:06:27 UTC

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