Dummy: PCM causes freezes

From: <root_at_bofh.bg>
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 11:53:17 +0300
I got a problem with the pcm driver - on the startup of whatever sound
application by whatever user - root, me, etc it freezes my machine.
I experienced this both on 5.1RElease and 5.1-STABLE(24.07.2003CVSUP). The card
is ESS 1938(SOLO-1) The thing happens over and over again. Here is what I do:
add pcm to the kernel file, make build&&install{kernel}. Reboot,
build+installworld and on the next reboot start KDE,mpg123,etc and face the music.
I googled and found some info that the needed driver must be loaded in
loader.conf like: `snd_es_1938_load="YES"`.
However, even without this, I see my ESS Card attached at pcm0. Can anyone give
hints and help me out bypass this system freeze caused by the pcm?
Attached is my dmesg.boot of my new kernel.

Received on Thu Jul 31 2003 - 23:53:22 UTC

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