bootstrapping network (bcm) on Dell D800

From: Dr. Richard E. Hawkins <>
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 15:45:30 -0400
If I'm reading the recent messages correctly, the bcm driver won't work
unless updated to approximately July 17.

I burned 5.1 iso's, and installed most of it successfully.  How do I
bootstrap the network.  I saw Bill Paul's references to testing a patch
prior to committing it.  Is this something I can apply singly to the
source that comes on the ISO (and if so, just where do I grab it?), and
then build a kernel, reboot, and update the rest of the source?


hawk, anxious to play with his new toy
Richard E. Hawkins, Asst. Prof. of Economics    /"\   ASCII ribbon campaign  Smeal 178  (814) 375-4700      \ /   against HTML mail
These opinions will not be those of              X    and postings. 
Penn State until it pays my retainer.           / \   
Received on Tue Aug 05 2003 - 10:40:50 UTC

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