Re: ACPI regressions

From: Mike Makonnen <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 15:27:32 +0300
On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 12:48:59PM -0800, Nate Lawson wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Dec 2003, Mike Makonnen wrote:
> > I upgraded my laptop to 5.2-BETA from 5.1-RELEASE a few weeks ago and was
> > extremely happy to find that acpi was working much better. However, after
> > the recent upgrade of ACPI in 5.2-CURRENT, all the problems that had been
> > fixed reappeared. My laptop is a Dell Inspiron 5100 with Dell BIOS A23.
> > The symptoms are:
> > o The acpi battery information is invalid
> > o The acpi temperature information is invalid
> > o The following message is repeated several times on the console when it boots:
> >      -0166: *** Error: UtAllocate: Attempt to allocate zero bytes
> Try reverting sys/contrib/dev/acpica/dsmthdat.c to rev
> Then compile/boot with a new acpi.ko.  I have a feeling there are still a
> lot of reference problems in AML that acpi-ca doesn't handle.

Reverting the file didn't make any difference (but see my previous
reply to obrien_at_). I don't know if this means my laptop's acpi is
buggy or if the acpi code is buggy (or both), but if there's any chance
of figuring out what caused the regressions, here's the information
you asked for.

My dmesg:
Original acpi ASL:
Patched acpi ASL:

Mike Makonnen  | GPG-KEY: | Fingerprint: 00E8 61BC 0D75 7FFB E4D3  6BF1 B239 D010 3215 D418
mtm_at_FreeBSD.Org| FreeBSD - Unleash the Daemon !
Received on Thu Dec 11 2003 - 04:50:47 UTC

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