Re: cvsup current ports file

From: Robert Watson <>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 15:46:43 -0500 (EST)
On Sat, 20 Dec 2003, Brian Speck wrote:

> I just CVSed the 5.2-Current set up and have it running great. 
> However when I try to run "cvsup -L 2 ports-supfile"  I get "Cannot get
> IP address of my own host -- is its hostname correct?"  I have used this
> Supfile in the past with 5.2-beta and it worked.. 
> Is there something I am missing? 

Cvsup, when doing its X11 GUI stuff, attempts to do a name lookup on your
hostname, which if unresolveable, seems to cause problems.  I'm not quite
sure what it's up to -- probably trying to figure out where to connect
with TCP using the DISPLAY variable.  You can fix this by:

(a) Making your hostname resolveable using DNS (either by fixing your
    hostname, or fixing DNS :-).  A common workaround here is to set your
    hostname to 'localhost' if you don't have a working hostname.

(b) Adding your hostname to the localhost line in /etc/hosts.

You can also work around by:

(c) Not using the cvsup GUI.

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects      Senior Research Scientist, McAfee Research
Received on Sat Dec 20 2003 - 12:19:20 UTC

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