Re: make release of CURRENT on 4.7 box

From: Tim Kientzle <>
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 10:50:41 -0700
Andrey Elperin wrote:
>  Tell me, please, is it a possible to "make release" of CURRENT on 4.7 box
>  at present ?
>  I see that make release stops with a such messages for a couple of days :
> ===> include
> cd /usr/src/include; /usr/obj/usr/src/make.i386/make buildincludes; /usr/obj/usr/src/make.i386/make installincludes
> creating osreldate.h from
> *** Error code 2

So I'm not the only one who has been bitten by this.

Try the following patch.  Worked for me.

Tim Kientzle

Index: include/Makefile
RCS file: /usr/cvs/FreeBSD-CVS/src/include/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.204
diff -u -r1.204 Makefile
--- include/Makefile	4 Jul 2003 19:54:06 -0000	1.204
+++ include/Makefile	6 Jul 2003 05:58:27 -0000
_at__at_ -55,15 +55,17 _at__at_
 		${.CURDIR}/../sys/sys/param.h \
 	_at_${ECHO} creating osreldate.h from
-	_at_setvar PARAMFILE ${.CURDIR}/../sys/sys/param.h; \
-	. ${.CURDIR}/../sys/conf/;			\
-	echo "$$COPYRIGHT" > osreldate.h;			\
-	echo "#ifdef _KERNEL" >> osreldate.h;			\
-	echo '#error "<osreldate.h> cannot be used in the kernel, use <sys/param.h>"' >> osreldate.h; \
-	echo "#else" >> osreldate.h;				\
-	echo \#'undef __FreeBSD_version' >> osreldate.h;	\
-	echo \#'define __FreeBSD_version' $$RELDATE >> osreldate.h; \
-	echo "#endif" >> osreldate.h
+	_at_setvar PARAMFILE ${.CURDIR}/../sys/sys/param.h; set -v; \
+	cd ${.CURDIR} ;				\
+	. ${.CURDIR}/../sys/conf/;	\
+	cd ${.OBJDIR};				\
+	( echo "$$COPYRIGHT" ;			\
+	echo "#ifdef _KERNEL" ;			\
+	echo '#error "<osreldate.h> cannot be used in the kernel, use <sys/param.h>"' ; \
+	echo "#else" ;				\
+	echo \#'undef __FreeBSD_version' ;	\
+	echo \#'define __FreeBSD_version' $$RELDATE ; \
+	echo "#endif" ) > osreldate.h
 .for i in ${LHDRS}
Received on Sat Jul 12 2003 - 08:52:01 UTC

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