Re: ACPI testing/debugging guide?

From: Dan Nelson <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 13:16:49 -0500
In the last episode (Jun 17), Scott Lambert said:
> Is there some list of actions to preform and data to collect that
> would assist with getting the ACPI stuff lined out?
> I've read the acpiconf man page but don't know that it gives me any
> way to test for any specific functionality.  I've been gradually
> piecing together the meaning of S1, S2, S3, S4, and S5 and figuring
> out that the *_(button|switch)_state sysctl oids specify which state
> to go to on activation of that button rather than being a descriptor
> of the current state of the buttons.
> I haven't figured out if the hw.acpi.thermal oids.  I think maybe
> ACPI doesn't recognize the hardware.  Is a thermal oid value of 3692
> actually 36.92 celcius or some scale from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF?

ACPI records temperature in tenths of a Kelvin, if you can believe it :)
> Is battery.time supposed to be -1 when on AC?

That may depend on the laptop.  Some estimate the time by extrapolating
from the battery drain rate, and if it's not draining, it can't guess.
> My resume from suspend doesn't work and I don't know how to tell where
> that is going wrong.  I have no serial interface so I can't use a serial
> console when the LCD doesn't come on.  I can live without suspend/resume
> functionality.  You can't miss something you have never had. :-)

My Dell laptop doesn't bring the display back on, but I can manually
re-enable it with the Fn-CRT/LCD key.
	Dan Nelson
Received on Tue Jun 17 2003 - 09:16:53 UTC

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