On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 09:19:56PM +0000, Tinderbox wrote: > TB --- 2003-06-30 20:31:30 - starting CURRENT tinderbox run for ia64/ia64 > TB --- 2003-06-30 20:31:30 - checking out the source tree > TB --- cd /home/des/tinderbox/CURRENT/ia64/ia64 > TB --- /usr/bin/cvs -f -R -q -d/home/ncvs update -Pd -A src > TB --- 2003-06-30 20:33:56 - building world > TB --- cd /home/des/tinderbox/CURRENT/ia64/ia64/src > TB --- /usr/bin/make -B buildworld > >>> Rebuilding the temporary build tree > >>> stage 1: legacy release compatibility shims > >>> stage 1: bootstrap tools > >>> stage 2: cleaning up the object tree > >>> stage 2: rebuilding the object tree > >>> stage 2: build tools > >>> stage 3: cross tools > >>> stage 4: populating /home/des/tinderbox/CURRENT/ia64/ia64/obj/ia64/vol/vol0/users/des/tinderbox/CURRENT/ia64/ia64/src/i386/usr/include > >>> stage 4: building libraries > >>> stage 4: make dependencies > >>> stage 4: building everything.. > [...] > : not found > _at_Da0h > 8-_: not found > : not found > : not found > : not found > 0b > x: not found > p: not found > ./mkinit: 11: Syntax error: "(" unexpected > *** Error code 2 > "mkinit" is the bin/sh's build-tool, and should have been built for the native architecture, i386. The above means that mkinit was rebuilt for ia64, and the resulting binary was then ran on i386. If you don't have other explanations to the above, please check that the date and time are set on the building box correctly, and that source files do not have modification time in the future. Cheers, -- Ruslan Ermilov Sysadmin and DBA, ru_at_sunbay.com Sunbay Software Ltd, ru_at_FreeBSD.org FreeBSD committer
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