Re: rescue/ broke cross compiles

From: Tim Kientzle <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 22:40:49 -0700
Marcel Moolenaar wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 08:10:02PM -0700, Tim Kientzle wrote:
> In general I think that the more portable the build tool, the better.
> If the shell script is not gross or overly ugly compared to the C
> program, then replacing the latter may not be a bad idea.

The attached diff replaces two of the build tools for /bin/sh
with equivalent shell scripts (using grep/sed/awk).  I
personally find the awk versions clearer than the C versions.
I apologize that these have not been very well tested, but they
were written in quite a rush.  For the most part, the output
of these is exactly the same as that from the C programs.
The few differences look functionally equivalent to me, but
I've not had time to test it very carefully.

The remaining 'mksyntax' also looks pretty easy to replace with
a shell script, at which point, /bin/sh will require no
build-tools target.  Then, /rescue will also not need a buld-tools
target (assuming everyone is willing to drop csh from

Unfortunately, it's late, I haven't had dinner, and I have
a lot of paying work piling up.  <sigh>  Someone else may
have to finish this, as I won't be able to get back to it
for a few days.

Tim Kientzle

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /usr/cvs/FreeBSD-CVS/src/bin/sh/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -u -r1.40 Makefile
--- Makefile	2 May 2003 06:26:32 -0000	1.40
+++ Makefile	1 Jul 2003 05:25:08 -0000
_at__at_ -31,7 +31,7 _at__at_
 	mksyntax mksyntax.o
-build-tools: mkinit mknodes mksyntax
+build-tools: mksyntax
 .ORDER: builtins.c builtins.h
 builtins.c builtins.h: mkbuiltins builtins.def
_at__at_ -39,20 +39,18 _at__at_
 init.c: mkinit alias.c eval.c exec.c input.c jobs.c options.c parser.c \
 	redir.c trap.c var.c
-	./mkinit ${.ALLSRC:S/^mkinit$//}
+	sh ${.CURDIR}/mkinit ${.ALLSRC:S/^mkinit$//}
 # XXX this is just to stop the default .c rule being used, so that the
 # intermediate object has a fixed name.
 # XXX we have a default .c rule, but no default .o rule.
-mkinit: mkinit.o
-mknodes: mknodes.o
 mksyntax: mksyntax.o
 .ORDER: nodes.c nodes.h
 nodes.c nodes.h: mknodes nodetypes nodes.c.pat
-	./mknodes ${.CURDIR}/nodetypes ${.CURDIR}/nodes.c.pat
+	sh ${.CURDIR}/mknodes ${.CURDIR}/nodetypes ${.CURDIR}/nodes.c.pat
 .ORDER: syntax.c syntax.h
 syntax.c syntax.h: mksyntax
--- /dev/null	Mon Jun 30 22:15:03 2003
+++ mkinit	Mon Jun 30 22:25:04 2003
_at__at_ -0,0 +1,91 _at__at_
+( # to send output to init.c
+echo "/*"
+echo " * This file was generated by the mkinit program."
+echo " */"
+echo ""
+echo '#include "shell.h"'
+echo '#include "mystring.h"'
+cat $_at_ | grep '^INCLUDE' | sed -e "s/INCLUDE/#include/"
+cat $_at_ | sed -n -e '/^#define/ s/#define //p' | grep -v '\\$' | egrep -v '^[A-Z_]+\(' | awk '{print "#undef ",$1; print "#define",$0; }'
+for f in $_at_
+    cat $f | sed -n -e '/^MKINIT$/,/^}/ p'  -e '/^MKINIT / s/^MKINIT/extern/p' | grep -v '^MKINIT$'
+    echo
+echo "/*"
+echo " * Initialization code."
+echo " */"
+echo "void"
+echo "init() {"
+for f in $_at_
+    echo "      /* from $f: */"
+    cat $f | sed -n -e '/^INIT/,/^}/ p' | sed -e 's/INIT //' | \
+    awk '{print "	",$0;}' OFS=''
+    echo
+echo "}"
+echo "/*"
+echo " * This routine is called when an error or an interrupt occurs in an"
+echo " * interactive shell and control is returned to the main command loop."
+echo " */"
+echo "void"
+echo "reset() {"
+for f in $_at_
+    echo "      /* from $f: */"
+    cat $f | sed -n -e '/^RESET/,/^}/ p' | sed -e 's/RESET //' | \
+    awk '{print "	",$0;}' OFS=''
+    echo
+echo "}"
+echo "/*"
+echo " * This routine is called to initialize the shell to run a shell procedure."
+echo " */"
+echo "void"
+echo "initshellproc() {"
+for f in $_at_
+    echo "      /* from $f: */"
+    cat $f | sed -n -e '/^SHELLPROC/,/^}/ p' | sed -e 's/SHELLPROC //' | \
+    awk '{print "	",$0;}' OFS=''
+    echo
+echo "}"
+) > init.c
--- /dev/null	Mon Jun 30 22:15:03 2003
+++ mknodes	Mon Jun 30 22:20:58 2003
_at__at_ -0,0 +1,227 _at__at_
+# The awk scripts are driven by the 'nodetypes' file format,
+# which is basically just a set of C structure definitions.
+# Here's an example entry from nodetypes:
+#   NSEMI  nbinary
+#        type  int
+#        ch1   nodeptr
+#        ch2   nodeptr
+# This says that an 'NSEMI' node uses the 'nbinary' structure;
+# the following lines define the structure.  Another example:
+# NWHILE nbinary
+# This says that an 'NWHILE' node uses the 'nbinary' structure,
+# but doesn't define the structure (since it's defined elsewhere).
+# Correlating all of this is much simpler with AWK's associative
+# arrays than with the old C version.
+# Create nodes.c
+(  # Spawn a subshell to direct output to nodes.c
+echo "/*"
+echo " * This file was generated by the mknodes program."
+echo " */"
+# Emit first part of pattern file
+cat $PATFILE | sed -ne '1,/%SIZES/p' | grep -v '%SIZES'
+# Build nodesize[] array
+echo 'static const short nodesize[26] = {'
+cat $NODEFILE | sed -nEe '/^N/ s/^N[A-Z]* (n[a-z]*)[[:>:]].*/      ALIGN(sizeof (struct \1)),/ p'
+echo '};'
+# Next part of pattern file
+cat $PATFILE | sed -ne '/%SIZES/,/%CALCSIZE/p' \
+    | grep -v '%SIZES' | grep -v '%CALCSIZE'
+# Build calcsize function body
+cat $NODEFILE | sed -ne '/^N/,$ p' | sed -e 's/#.*//' | awk '
+    BEGIN { newentry=0; 
+	    print "      if (n == NULL)";
+	    print "\t    return;"
+	    print "      funcblocksize += nodesize[n->type];"
+	    print "      switch (n->type) {"
+	    }
+    /^N/ {  a=$1; f=$2;
+	    cases[f] = cases[f] " " $1;
+	    newentry=1;
+	}
+    !/^N/ {  if(NF > 1) { # Ignore short lines
+		if(newentry) {
+		    types = types " " f;
+		    action[f] = "\t    break;";
+		    newentry = 0;
+		}
+		if($2 == "nodeptr") {
+		    action[f] = "\t    calcsize(n->" f "." $1 ");\n" action[f];
+		} else if($2 == "nodelist") {
+		    action[f] = "\t    sizenodelist(n->" f "." $1 ");\n" action[f];
+		} else if($2 == "string") {
+		    action[f] = "\t    funcstringsize += strlen(n->" f "." $1 ") + 1;\n" action[f];
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    END {
+	ntypes = split(types,typesarr," ");
+	for(nt = 1; nt <= ntypes; ++nt) {
+	    f = typesarr[nt];
+	    i = split(cases[f],arr," ");
+	    for(n = 1; n <= i; ++n)
+		print "      case " arr[n] ":";
+	    print action[f];
+	}
+    }
+echo "      };"
+# Emit next block of pattern file
+cat $PATFILE | sed -ne '/%CALCSIZE/,/%COPY/p' \
+    | grep -v '%CALCSIZE' | grep -v '%COPY'
+# Build copynode function body
+cat $NODEFILE | sed -ne '/^N/,$ p' | sed 's/#.*//' | awk '
+    BEGIN { newentry=0; 
+	    print "      if (n == NULL)"
+	    print "\t    return NULL;"
+	    print "      new = funcblock;"
+	    print "      funcblock = (char *)funcblock + nodesize[n->type];"
+	    print "      switch (n->type) {"
+    }
+    /^N/ {  a=$1; f=$2;
+	    cases[f] = cases[f] " " $1;
+	    newentry=1;
+	}
+    !/^N/ {  if(NF > 1) {
+		if(newentry) {
+		    types = types " " f;
+		    action[f] = "\t    break;";
+		    newentry = 0;
+		}
+		if($1 == "type") {
+		} else if($2 == "nodeptr") {
+		    action[f] = "\t    new->" f "." $1 " = copynode(n->" f "." $1 ");\n" action[f];
+		} else if($2 == "nodelist") {
+		    action[f] = "\t    new->" f "." $1 " = copynodelist(n->" f "." $1 ");\n" action[f];
+		} else if($2 == "string") {
+		    action[f] = "\t    new->" f "." $1 " = nodesavestr(n->" f "." $1 ");\n" action[f];
+	        } else if($2 == "temp") {
+		    # Nothing
+		} else {
+		    action[f] = "\t    new->" f "." $1 " = n->" f "." $1 ";\n" action[f];
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    END {
+	ntypes = split(types,typesarr," ");
+	for(nt = 1; nt <= ntypes; ++nt) {
+	    f = typesarr[nt];
+	    i = split(cases[f],arr," ");
+	    for(n = 1; n <= i; ++n)
+		print "      case " arr[n] ":";
+	    print action[f];
+	}
+    }
+echo "      };"
+echo "      new->type = n->type;"
+# Emit final part of pattern file
+cat $PATFILE | sed -ne '/%COPY/,$ p' | grep -v '%COPY'
+# End of subshell; here's the promised redirect
+) >nodes.c
+# Create nodes.h
+(  # Spawn a subshell to direct output to nodes.h
+echo "/*"
+echo " * This file was generated by the mknodes program."
+echo " */"
+# Print out enum constants
+cat $NODEFILE | awk 'BEGIN{i=0;} /^N/ {  print "#define " $1 " " i; ++i }'
+# Print out structure definitions
+cat $NODEFILE | sed -ne '/^N/,$ p' | sed -e 's/#.*//' | awk '
+    BEGIN { closeold=0; }
+    /^N/ {  if(closeold) print "};\n\n"
+	    closeold = 0;
+	    t = $2;
+	}
+    !/^N/ {  if(NF > 1) {
+	        if(t) {
+		    print "struct " t " {";
+		    struct = struct "      struct " t " " t ";\n";
+		    closeold = 1;
+		    t = 0;
+		}
+		if($2 == "nodeptr") {
+		    print "      union node *" $1 ";";
+		} else if($2 == "nodelist") {
+		    print "      struct nodelist *" $1 ";";
+		} else if($2 == "string") {
+		    print "      char *" $1 ";";
+		} else if($2 == "temp") {
+		    printf "     ";
+		    for(i = 3; i <= NF; i++) printf " " $i;
+		    print ";";
+		} else {
+		    print "      " $2 " " $1 ";";
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    END {
+	if(closeold) print "};\n\n"
+	print "union node {";
+	print "      int type;";
+	print struct "};";
+    }
+echo "struct nodelist {"
+echo "	struct nodelist *next;"
+echo "	union node *n;"
+echo "};"
+echo "union node *copyfunc(union node *);"
+echo "void freefunc(union node *);"
+# End of subshell; here's the promised redirect
+) > nodes.h
Received on Mon Jun 30 2003 - 20:38:13 UTC

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