Re: rpc.lockd spinning; much breakage

From: Don Lewis <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 19:21:42 -0700 (PDT)
On 14 May, Robert Watson wrote:
> On Tue, 13 May 2003, Don Lewis wrote:

>> I don't know if the the client will retry in the blocking case or if the
>> server side will have to grow the code to poll any local locks that it >
> might encounter.  >
> Based on earlier experience with the wakeups getting "lost", it sounds
> like the re-polling takes place once every ten seconds on the client for
> blocking locks.

That seems makes sense.  It looks like the client side more or less just
tosses the "blocked" response and waits for the grant message to arrive.
I guess it periodically polls while it waits.

> Speaking of re-polling, here's another bug:  Open two pty's on the NFS
> client.  On pty1, grab and hold an exclusive lock on a file; sleep.  On
> pty2, do a blocking lock attempt on open, but Ctrl-C the process before
> the pty1 process wakes up, meaning that the lock attempt is effectively
> aborted.  Now kill the first process, releasing the lock, and attempt to
> grab the lock on the file: you'll hang forever.  The client rpc.lockd has
> left a blocking lock request registered with the server, but never
> released that lock for the now missing process.

> It looks like rpc.statd on the client needs to remember that it requested
> the lock, and when it discovers that the process requesting the lock has
> evaporated, it should immediately release the lock on its behalf.  It's
> not clear to me how that should be accomplished: perhaps when it tries to
> wake up the process and discovers it is missing, it should do it, or if
> the lock attempt is aborted early due to a signal, a further message
> should be sent from the kernel to the userland rpc.lockd to notify it that
> the lock instance is no longer of interest.  Note that if we're only using
> the pid to identify a process, not a pid and some sort of generation
> number, there's the potential for pid reuse and a resulting race. 

I saw something in the code about a cancel message (nlm4_cancel,
nlm4_cancel_msg). I think what is supposed to happen is that when
process #2 is killed the descriptor waiting for the lock will closed
which should get rid of its lock request.  rpc.lockd on the client
should notice this and send a cancel message to the server. When process
#1 releases the lock, the second lock will no longer be queued on the
the server and process #3 should be able to grab the lock.

This bug could be in the client rpc.lockd, the client kernel, or the
server rpc.lockd.
Received on Wed May 14 2003 - 17:22:05 UTC

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