Re: 3dmd broken

From: <>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 16:23:25 GMT
> Hi,
> I installed 3dmd the webtool for 3ware Raid controllers, I left the 
> config untouched or set whatever port, the prog starts but doesnt bind 
> any port, thus no connection possible, is it broken ?
> im on 5.1b
> id be interested if anyone running it with 5.1b

If you unpack the following snippet

begin 644 3dmd.bpatch.144284

using uudecode, you should get the following checksum:

MD5 (3dmd.bpatch.144284) = b1116c4846262ee3d523db05b82717c3

To apply:

   cp -p 3dmd 3dmd.FCS
   dd if=3dmd.bpatch.144284 of=3dmd seek=144284 bs=1 conv=notrunc

After which you should have the following checksums:

MD5 (3dmd.FCS) = e6b0212a2b7ce6f4892fea7751c8d711
MD5 (3dmd) = 8e2254774524dcc88d31acb8c4882779

The above patch changes 3dmd to supply the RFTRHEAD argument to rfork().

An alternative fix is to apply the enclosed patch, which adds tracking
of (process leader, file descriptor table) tuples.

- Tor Egge

Received on Wed May 28 2003 - 07:23:28 UTC

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