Re: HEADS UP: /bin and /sbin are now dynamically linked

From: Julian Stacey <>
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 02:00:18 +0100 (CET)
Hi Garance
cc current,

Thanks for your well explained posting.  I won't distract from new thread
         "Unfortunate dynamic linking for everything"
except to note:

> It is not fair to pretend
> that this was some kind of back-room, closed-door decision.

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that.  I meant:
- Current_at_ readers (that decide things), may have different 
  skill levels & preference of balance between risk & function, compared 
  with other user groups EG perhaps on hackers_at_ &/or isp_at_ etc.
- Some admins don't read lists, to comment on the 
  fully dynamic decision, but will later install default systems 
  `out of the box', with later subsequent remote upgrades.
- Any extra later danger / limitation to them could affect FreeBSD reputation.

> If you personally are worried about the new setup, then just use
> the switch which gives you the previous setup.  

Did it immediately, Thanks.
Julian Stacey.  Munich Unix & Net Consultancy available.
  Ihr Rauchen => mein allergischer Kopfschmerz !   Schnupftabak probieren.
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Received on Thu Nov 20 2003 - 16:04:44 UTC

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