no partition entries for /dev/ad3

From: ecsd <>
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2003 02:39:53 -0700
Here are the contents of my /dev. As you can see, there are no entries 
for the
partitions of ad3. My 5.0 system has no "bsdlabel" command. Can anyone
tell me how I can coax the ad3s1* entries into existence?

./              ad2s1c          dspW0.1         pci             
stdin_at_          ttypg
../             ad2s1d          dspr0.0         ppi0            
stdout_at_         ttyph
ad0             ad2s1e          fd/             psm0            
sysmouse        ttypi
ad0s1           ad2s1f          geom.ctl        ptyp0           
ttyd0           ttyv0
ad0s1a          ad2s1g          io              ptyp1           
ttyd1           ttyv1
ad0s1b          ad3             ipauth          ptyp2           
ttyid0          ttyv2
ad0s1c          agpgart         ipl             ptyp3           
ttyid1          ttyv3
ad0s1d          ata             ipnat           ptyp4           
ttyld0          ttyv4
ad0s1e          audio0.0        ipstate         ptyp5           
ttyld1          ttyv5
ad0s1f          audio0.1        kbd0            ptyp6           
ttyp0           ttyv6
ad0s1g          bpf0            klog            ptyp7           
ttyp1           ttyv7
ad1             bpsm0           kmem            ptyp8           
ttyp2           ttyv8
ad1c            console         log_at_            ptyp9           
ttyp3           ttyv9
ad1s1           consolectl      lpt0            ptypa           
ttyp4           ttyva
ad1s1a          ctty            lpt0.ctl        ptypb           
ttyp5           ttyvb
ad1s1b          cuaa0           mdctl           ptypc           
ttyp6           ttyvc
ad1s1c          cuaa1           mem             ptypd           
ttyp7           ttyvd
ad1s1e          cuaia0          mixer0          ptype           
ttyp8           ttyve
ad1s1f          cuaia1          net/            ptypf           
ttyp9           ttyvf
ad1s1g          cuala0          net1_at_           ptypg           
ttypa           urandom_at_
ad1s1h          cuala1          net2_at_           ptyph           
ttypb           vga_at_
ad2             devctl          net3_at_           ptypi           
ttypc           xpt0
ad2s1           dsp0.0          net4_at_           random          
ttypd           zero
ad2s1a          dsp0.1          network         sndstat         ttype
ad2s1b          dspW0.0         null            stderr_at_         ttypf
Received on Wed Oct 08 2003 - 00:39:09 UTC

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