Re: FreeBSD-CURRENT telnet can't disable autologin

From: Tim Kientzle <>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 00:00:44 -0700
Thyer, Matthew wrote:
> Some people don't want auto login but are being frustrated when they try to disable it as below.
> What is the correct way to disable this feature?
> fuzz: {1017} cat ~/.telnetrc 
> unset autologin
> fuzz: {1018} telnet
> telnet> display
> will flush output when sending interrupt characters.
> won't send interrupt characters in urgent mode.
> will send login name and/or authentication information.    <----- * NOTE

This should work.

Note that, according to the man page, the .telnetrc
file is read at the time of the 'open' command,
so the above does accord with the documentation.

What happens when you try to 'open' a connection?

Tim Kientzle
Received on Tue Oct 14 2003 - 22:00:52 UTC

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