Re: hiding e-mail adresses needed badly

From: Nikolay Pavlov <>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 14:14:11 +0300
Hi, Peter.

PS> At this point in time it's downright irresponsible not to hide our 
PS> addresses.

PS> I've been lurking on this list about a month to get caught up with 
PS> -current issues.  Friday was both the first mail I sent to the list,
PS> and the first use of this e-mail address.  The only incoming mail was 
PS> from the FreeBSD lists I subscribed to.  However, since that fateful 
PS> e-mail I have been viciously attacked by spammers posing as Microsoft 
PS> security updaters.  These spams include attachments making them all 
PS> around 150KB in size.  Maybe others of you have seen them?

I receive such messages about three days. It looks like "the latest version
of security update" with  .exe file in attachment, but KAV detect I-Worm.Swen inside.
And another messages looks like "undelivered mail to" addresses at, and others with Exploit.IFrame in attachment.

Thanks, Nikolay.
Received on Thu Oct 16 2003 - 02:19:27 UTC

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