fyi: snap from 080304 will not boot

From: Kim Culhan <>
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 11:03:07 -0700 (PDT)

Just an fyi here.. The latest snap, 080304, from did not install a bootable system here.

There is an 'information box' from the installer
which advises that the installation has used a
floppy which is not the same vintage as the installed

Hitting enter or letting it time-out at:

F1 FreeBSD


invalid partition
no /boot/loader

FreeBSD/i386 boot
default: 0:ad(0,c)/kernel

This machine has a 3ware 9000 series sata controller.
FWIW, installing -current on this hardware has not been a problem
in the recent past.


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Received on Tue Aug 03 2004 - 16:03:08 UTC

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