Re: HEADS UP: /bin and /sbin are now dynamically linked

From: Vincent Poy <vince_at_oahu.WURLDLINK.NET>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 14:32:11 -1000 (HST)
Hello everyone:

	I'm still using a Pre-November 15, 2003 -CURRENT and had a
question before I upgrade.  With this change, is /bin and /sbin still
separate directories on new installs or are they linked directories?  Do I
have to delete the /bin, /sbin contents prior to the buildworld or will it
just update itself?  Thanks.

Vince - vince_at_WURLDLINK.NET - Vice President             ________   __ ____
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On Sat, 15 Nov 2003, Gordon Tetlow wrote:

> I just committed a patch to change /bin and /sbin from statically to
> dynamically linked. If you don't like the idea of using a dynamically
> linked /bin and /sbin, now is the time to define NO_DYNAMICROOT in your
> make.conf.
> The reasons for doing so have been hashed over lots of times. But the
> short of it:
> 1) Much smaller /bin and /sbin. On i386, /bin and /sbin are 33 MB static.
>    Dynamically linked, they are only 4 MB.
> 2) Proper support for NSS. This will finally allow you to use NSS modules
>    and get things like usernames in ls -l working for modules that are
>    dynamically loaded.
> -gordon
Received on Mon Feb 16 2004 - 15:32:42 UTC

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