Re: FreeBSD Crashes with AMD

From: Daniel O'Connor <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 16:12:57 +1030
On Wednesday 07 January 2004 15:44, Don Lewis wrote:
> > You could alter loader.conf to run the command, then have the loader
> > alter it back just before running the memory test (once around then
> > reboot)
> memtest86 takes quite a while to run it's full suite of tests, and some
> of the memory errors that I have encountered were only found by some of
> the longer pattern-sensitivity tests.

Yeah I know, but I still believe it's would be a useful feature.

Especially if your remote server starts playing up, or you have a farm of 

> It would be better to just use ECC RAM and watch for ECC errors.
> Unfortunately FreeBSD is missing the code to do the latter.  It sounds
> like recent versions of Linux have something called MCE which handles
> this.

There is some code floating around which does this actually..
Not sure how up to date it is though.

ECC RAM is nice, but it is considerably more expensive (especially when you 
consider you need to buy 'server' motherboards to use it), and it can get 
undetectable faults too :)

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software -
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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