Re: today's CURRENT lockups

From: Thorsten Greiner <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 16:09:11 +0200
* Thorsten Greiner <> [2004-07-05 16:05]:
> It seems the lockups are correlated with heavy network and disk
> activity, the box was running 'cvsup' at the moment of the lockup.
> It is now running with 'debug.nosleepwithlocks=1' and I performed
> two cvsup's without problems.

Just a few minutes after I wrote the above, the box locked up again
while browsing with firefox. It seems neither disk activity nor the
sysctl mentioned above is related to these hangs.


People who claim they don't let little things bother them have never
slept in a room with a single mosquito.
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